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If words were enough.

If words were enough, "I love you" the would be the glue to heal a broken heart, the simple phrase that takes away insecurity and replaces it with warmth.

if words were enough, that time you whispered "You're strong" would lift someone from the murky muddy pits of despair, allowing them to stand tall again.

If words were enough, promises would hold up to our intentions, bridging the gap between what we say and what we do.

If words were enough, "I'm sorry" would fix every broken bond, and untangle the misunderstandings that often separate us and create a new understanding.

If words were enough, apologies would restore relationships to their former glory and make them whole again.

If words were enough, "You're not alone" would lift the darkness from every tired soul, and be the light that chases away isolation.

If words were enough, "I believe in you" would crush every seed of doubt, giving the soul with confidence and strength.

If words were enough, "Take your time" would ease the anxiety of those feeling overwhelmed, calm a racing heart and ease a tightening chest. Giving permission to pause, and find their breath again.

If words were enough, "You're worth it" would be an the answer to self-doubt and insecurity. It would remind us of our value, not related to any other needed validation.

If words were enough, "It's okay to not be okay" would melt away the stigma surrounding mental health struggles. It would open doors for honest conversations where vulnerability is welcomed and met with empathy and understanding.

If words were enough, "Forgive yourself" would wash away the burden of self-blame and regret, offering a fresh start. It would let go past mistakes, letting them become lessons instead of weights that hold us down

If words were enough, "You're brave" would empower those taking steps to face their fears, big and small.

If words were enough, "There is hope" would put light in every tired soul, giving them hope that tomorrow holds new possibilities. It would act as a lifeline for those standing on the edge of despair.

So, let's continue to share those powerful phrases, with love and encouragement. But lets also add the all important actions that reinforce them, where vulnerability is welcome and compassion grows. Because while words are not always enough, they can start a story that we write together—a story of genuine support, love, courage and understanding

I love you

<3 H

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